Episode 22 – Strategic Thinking / Strategic Doing


Research has found that 70% of strategies fail to deliver the anticipated results, and 9 out of the top 10 reasons change initiatives fail are ‘people-related.’ 


Episode Summary:

Rod and Brian interview Brent Douglas, President of Magellan Executive Partners. Brent shares some very practical and tactical lessons learned to maximize alignment, execution, and performance.      


Whiteboard Notes:

 Episode 22 Whiteboard


Reflection Questions:

  1. How many of your employees can successfully answer these two critical strategic questions, and what are you basing your answers on?
    1. Where do we play?
    2. How do we win?
  2. What strategic adjustments, alignment, and leadership capabilities must change in order to maximize your growth potential?
  3. How effective are your leaders in changing their mindset and behaviors – based on the concept of leaders trying to go up a down escalator?
  4. Is your organization’s strategy and overall leadership capabilities pulling growth up or pushing it down?