Thank You!

We are excited that you will be joining us for Magellan’s Leading Up Experience.

Here’s what other attendees have had to say about their experience in the Leading Up program:

It was amazing! He was a great speaker and it was an amazing experience with a lot of valuable information. I can’t wait for more!


I loved loved loved it! It hits home with work related issues , and it is the common sense things that need to be said out loud to reaffirm what we were taught in kindergarten…Issues such as do not wait until the last minute to take care of something if you have the ability to control it, do not slander one another to team mates, be the best at what you are assigned to do. If you are a tree in the play be the best tree ever!…I also needed to hear that sometimes we leave monkey’s on our bosses backs without realizing it. I started a boss list, and I also am not bringing any ideas to anyone’s office without them being management ready. I am excited for the next session. So blessed to be a part of a firm that grows the employees in the best way possible. Thank you for putting us through Leading up!


I loved all of the information but I also loved how we had to really stop and think about the ways that we as individuals can make a difference.  Really looking forward to the next session!


I really enjoyed the Leading Up session with David Woods yesterday. David was personable and funny and made me realize that no matter what position you are in within the company, we are all capable of achieving greatness.


I thought it was terrific!  David was such a great speaker and he certainly has a way of making us look at the way we approach our job and managers in a whole new light.  He was a great promoter of team work yet was able to show the importance of being a self-starter in  our career paths.


It was a wonderful experience! There were a lot of good little things to think about that are not necessarily common sense. I also thought it was just a great reminder in general of not only how to be a good employee, but a good person overall. If I could be “succinct” and tell you one thing that stuck with me the most, I’d say “Happiness and peace are as contagious as discontent and stress; choose the former over the latter and you’ll be sure to go far.


Thank you again for your investment.  We look forward to meeting you!