Rod Beeler




  • Leadership
    • AUDIENCE: CEO’s, Sr. Leaders, Managers, Supervisors, and Aspiring leaders
    • TAKEAWAYS: Learn how to build on your strengths and how to build a more engaging leadership culture in your organization. How to mentor your current and future leaders and improve their chance for success when they get their next and more significant leadership position. How to create an effective leadership development strategy for new and existing leaders.
  • Creating a High-Performance Organization
    • AUDIENCE: CEO’s, Sr. Leaders, Managers, and Supervisors
    • TAKEAWAYS: Understanding the importance of linking strategy to personnel. Steps to take to link personnel to strategy implementation. How to make your team want to implement strategy and not feel like they have to. A clear understanding of the importance of employee engagement. How to measure key steps to take to improve engagement. How to quickly implement your strategy by linking to your personnel policies and procedures. How to make strategy implementation Fun and Rewarding


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As a truly global leader who has lived and worked all over the world, Rod brings a multicultural experience to his presentations. Rod is a very engaging speaker that relates exceptionally well to his audience and helps them all realize how each of them can take steps to improve. There are key elements to creating and further developing an engaging workforce. Rod’s experience provides a platform to help his audience realize the steps to take to improve. And while there are differences in each company and organization that must be respected, there are more common elements than many realize, no matter what nationality, industry, or any other factor. We have more common aspects than differences and while we must respect and honor the differences, we can start with the common elements to build a unique and high-performance culture.


Rod is willing to travel throughout the United States and speak virtually. For more information about Rod speaking, please click here:

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