Season 2, Episode 8 – Over $3.7 Trillion LOST Annually Across the Globe


Poor customer service (CS) costs over $3.7 trillion dollars annually across the globe – up 20% from the year before. Rod and Brian discuss a variety of topics, using research and real-life examples, including:

  • How critical it is to treat CS from the inside/out – practicing internally with each other the behaviors expected externally with customers/clients.
  • Importance of ‘convenience’ to the customer and determining specifics through ongoing gathering of the voice of the customer (VOC)
  • Truly empowering CS reps to make decisions while minimizing ‘asking for permission’
  • Avoiding the trap of automating broken, ineffective processes          


Whiteboard Notes:

Season 2, Episode 8 Whiteboard


Reflection Questions:

  1. How does your organization communicate, teach, and reinforce the importance and impact every employee has on the total customer experience?
  2. Regarding CS, what metrics matter the most from your customer’s perspective? How do you know?
  3. How does your organization capture and learn both CS best practices and lessons learned?
  4. What decisions can your employees make without ever asking for permission?