Season 2, Episode 13 – Don’t Walk By


How could stopping this time, instead of walking by, change a perspective, level of trust, a relationship, a challenging situation? Could something so simple help reinforce that a person and/or situation really matters?             

Join us as we discuss with Josiah Haken and his experiences of leading an organization that serves 50,000 ‘neighbors without doors’ (people experiencing homelessness). Josiah shares many practical solutions that apply to any size organization, whether it is public, private, for-profit, or not-for-profit. Topics covered include:   

  • The power and influence of words
  • Breaking limiting biases
  • Collaborating compared to Competing for limited resources
  • Two simple questions to move from transactional to relational behaviors


Whiteboard Notes:

 Season 2, Episode 13 Whiteboard

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does the language commonly used in your organization reinforce inclusion, trust, teamwork, and self-esteem?
  2. Is your organization addicted to any processes that result in negative consequences for your employees?
  3. How does your measurement system account for both the transaction getting completed and how it influences a relationship?
  4. What relationships are currently more competitive than collaborative and hurting performance?
  5. What behaviors are tolerated that hurt performance because we just walk by them?