Season 2, Episode 11 – A Winning Combination: Transformational Leadership + Culture

According to Fortune magazine, “business leaders believe the importance of a company’s culture has increased in the current business climate“. In order to maximize the human potential (skills, knowledge, abilities) within any organization, both culture and leadership style must be proactively managed.          

Join us as we discuss with Tessa Dent her global experiences and how an organization’s culture (the accepted or perceived way we do things here and why) and leadership impacts:

  • Strategy execution
  • Sustainability
  • Managing change  
  • Employee commitment, effort, loyalty (engagement)


Whiteboard Notes:

 Season 2, Episode 11 Whiteboard


Reflection Questions:

  1. How effective is your organization in routinely gathering (formally and informally) the voice of the employee (VOE) – asking, using, and recognizing its’ value?
  2. Is change management in your organization treated more as a methodology or mindset that influences behavior?
  3. What biases may be creating ‘waste’ in your organization? How can you proactively address this?
  4. Do you effectively know and measure the key tangible elements of your organization’s culture?
  5. Does your organization have the right balance of task-oriented and transformational leaders?